Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Heat Wave!

I really can’t believe the weather... It has gone from snow and torrential rain to glorious sunshine all within a matter of weeks.  It is like a real summer, like we used to get in England for one week a year – always when you were just about to get on a plane somewhere hot, so you were like, damn we missed the British summer!

Over  the weekend we took a trip to Annapolis Valley and visited Oaklawn Farm Zoo, it was a really lovely day out, but I think the warm weather had shocked all the animals so they were more intent on basking in the sunshine than entertaining us!  Sunday gave us the ideal opportunity to take a drive over to Peggy's Cove a lovely little coastal town.   We could have spent the whole day just sitting on the rocks watching the waves crash around us, it was absolutely beautiful.

We have good news on the apartment search, we’ve finally found somewhere!  Actually we were torn between two places.  One was a really big three bedroom place with two decks, and guess what?  Yep, you could have dogs!  The other one was a lovely two bedroom apartment with two full bathrooms and an amazing sea view.  We were really torn about what to do, but it was also quite nice to be able to debate about which place we liked best as we just haven’t really cared about any of the other places we’ve seen.

So... We finally decided on the 2 bedroom place, so yet again no dog for us.  Back to lurking around the pet shop on a Sunday afternoon picking out dogs we can’t actually have!  Our time will come, I’m sure.  My best friend Sarah gets a puppy soon so she can give me my puppy fix via webcam, it will just be like having my own dog, I’m sure!  We move into our new place on the 1st June and I'm just hoping that this is it now and we can start to settle down somewhere.  We are both so tired of living out of suitcases and are ready to live somewhere longer than two months!

With the weather being so nice, I’ve started walking to and from work, it’s a total of 4.8 miles a day so that should keep me fit!  Rich is on the hunt for a bicycle, I’m also tempted to get one but the last bike I rode was emblazoned with Barbie stickers and  had Spokie Dokies on the wheels. I might be a little out of practice!  We're also itching to try sea kayaking, which would be brilliant to try, I'm just really scared of falling out of the kayak.

Oh, and please someone send us some nice clothes over, we both can't find a thing to buy out here that we like!   Where are all the good shops?

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